Alternative Therapy
Acupuncture is a traditional medicine that dates back older than modern medicine. Acupuncture is great for general pain, for muscles, joints, tendons, headaches, neck, and back pain. Other things acupuncture can do includes but not limited to: Nausea/vomiting, insomnia/sleep issues, mood boost (stress/anxiety/depression), Women's health, cold-like symptoms, drug side effect management.
Traditional medicine has so much more to offer as an adjunct to acupuncture. Citylife Acupuncture tailors to each individual by providing traditional nutrition guidance, health coaching, and herbal therapy and supplementation.
Acupuncture is safe
Acupuncture is very safe in the hands of trained licensed acupuncturists. Acupuncture needs are so thin that 20 needles could fit into a single syringe needle. Once applied into the pressure points or acupuncture points, the needle naturally stimulates the nearby nerves, muscles, tendons, and vessels to naturally heal the body.