Relief for your pain, stress & tension


Why acupuncture

Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. It has also been increasingly used for overall wellness, including stress management and health maintenance. This therapy is now being accepted in many hospitals and will continue to grow.



The fundamental belief of acupuncture is that illness is the result of blocked or interrupted qi. Qi provides your body with healing energy. Acupuncture removes these blockages and return your energy flow to a state of balance.


First treatment?

Never had acupuncture? We provide in-depth consultation and treatment.

 “Virtually painless and relaxing. My pain has subsided almost completely since.”

— Alice

Our services


Electric Stimulation Acupuncture

Using the same principles and points as acupuncture, electric stimulation is when there is an added micro-current to the inserted needle. Tapping into the nervous system, research has shown that e-stim allows a greater output of endorphins from the nervous system. This will provide pain relief for a more extended period of time compared to acupuncture alone.

Cupping Therapy

Special cups are placed on specific locations on the body, creating suction for a few minutes. This suction can be done with either an air vacuum pump or using traditionally fire. Cupping has been proven to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and overall well-being; as it is very similar to a deep-tissue massage. This therapy dates back to ancient Egypt, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal formulas have been around for thousands of years. Each formula has also changed in the last thousand years. Changed in terms of quality, potency, and processing. Herbs are considered food in Chinese culture. There are over hundreds of different herbs in the Chinese pharmacopeia. Herbal formulas are used as supplements to patient’s diet regimen according to their diagnosis. No single condition is treated with the same formula, each formula is specific to each patient’s presentation.

Under circumstances, herbal medicine may not be recommended if the primary physician of the patient finds it unsafe.